Monsoons and Pets- Not always fun!



The Monsoons are upon us! 
So far we've only experienced light rain, dust and medium winds, but with Arizona, we never know when the true Haboobs are coming! These are the louder, more frightening storms with crazy winds, dust storms that cover our city, and loud thunder and lightening. 

Is your Dog or Cat afraid of the Monsoon Noises? 
Many pets are. In fact some pets are so afraid that they need help from their veterinarian by taking a prescription sedative! Whatever you do, do not ever give your pet anything without seeing your veterinarian first! If your pet is so afraid and you've tried everything, then you may want to schedule an appointment to see if your vet can help. Medicating our pets is certainly an option we want to avoid if at all possible.

Here are some Tips for the upcoming Storm Season.
If your pet/s is afraid, try these simple solutions. That's right, PETS, not just dogs are prone to being afraid. One of our members owns a cat that is terrified of thunder storms!

Desensitize or counter conditioning: 
you can do this by creating loud noises and making sure your pet gets a treat during these times assuring him that Loud is OK. 

Purchase a tape of Thunderstorms: 
Play them periodically during the week. Start off with a low volume and eventually work your way up. This will help to condition your pet to respond in a Non-Fearful way to noises that once scared him.  

Have play time: 
playing your pet’s favorite INDOOR game at the onset of the storm will help him prepare for the worst. Hopefully he will be able to associate that during a storm is when it is time to have fun inside! Remember, give Positive Rewards during this time inside. Lots of praise and treats if allowed.

Calming tricks: 
Go about your business with the thunder and lightning booming outside, maybe even singing and whistling, this will convey to your pet that you don’t think the loud storm is a big deal.

Create a “Safe Place” for your pet to go to:
This can be a quite bathroom or bedroom, preferably the one farthest from windows and the quietest room in the house. A good rule of thumb to pick your pets “Safe Place” is to watch where your pet goes when he is frightened. Just because you think the bathroom is the “Safe Place”, doesn’t necessarily mean your pet does. If your pet hides under the bed like mine does, then make sure that your pet has access to that room. If you pet hides in blankets, or clothes on the floor, let him. Place a food and water bowl to assure him that he has picked a safe and happy place to go when he is afraid. Make sure you do not confine your pet, let them come and go. 
Some pets need to be able to stay active when they are fearful. Hiding doesn’t always work for all cats and dogs.

Crate Training: Some pets do better if they are in their safe and sound, pet safe crate. Remember, dogs are den dwelling animals; this is a "safe" place to most of them. This is not a great choice if your pet has not already been crate trained.

Turn on a Radio, TV or Fan to help drown out the noise.
Most of all, reassure your pet that you will be inside with them throughout the storm. Make yourself visible. If your pet needs you to hold him, then hold him. You can still implement or try any of the above examples. Puppies and kittens that may start out not afraid can develop the fearfulness at an older age so make sure to always notice how your pet is acting throughout storm season.

Check out the Thunder Shirt as another option! 

Thunder shirt uses gentle, constant pressure to calm your dog, effectively aiding anxiety, fearfulness, barking and more. 

Today there are even additional items to help calm a fearful pet, like the soft Happy Hoodie that goes around their head and ears.

Wishing you luck through the entire Monsoon Season! 

The Az Pet Professionals- Kim Mac

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